
One evening we received a call from a real estate agent who managed a government owned property. At that stage, this property was a crime scene where a very high profile criminal case was taking place. The property was awash with media and forensic police. the fences had been cut and the agent informed us that there was a horse on the property whom had been abandoned. The agent had done their best to locate an owner, only to find that the owner was possibly deceased and despite their best efforts, no one was claiming the horse.

we had permission to enter and remove the horse and bring it to our care stables, where the owner (if any) had 60 days to claim the horse and pay our care fee’s with the help of the agent.

we went the next day, early to avoid any media or to get in the way of any investigations taking place. when we arrived we found an aged appaloosa mare, who looked as though she had sustained many old injuries and was extremely frightened. after some time and patience we were eventually able to catch her and get her loaded. she was paralyzed from fear but underneath i could see a gentle side to her.

upon arrival we placed her into a care stable, fortunately the property, although in complete disarray, had grass and a dam so she was in good condition weight wise, we soon noticed that she was very tied up in the hindquarters and set about having her seen to by our team of vets, chiropractors, dental and body workers as well as having her panel tested. the verdict was mild myopathy in her hind legs, after a specialty diet and exercise plan and many many hours of kind horsemanship style handling.

No one ever claimed her and we kept her here for over 9 months, everyone deserves a name so we called her Montana. it turned out that old Montana was so sweet and once she trusted us she would let us rug her in the paddock without a lead or a headstall. she was healthy and her myopathy stable, she was a lovely companion to our riding horses.

as luck would have it, eventually we received a call from a retiree who planned on moving out to a farm that she had purchased and was looking for a companion to just love and fuss over. Montana instantly come to mind and i invited her out to meet her, she fell in love instantly and took Montana on, she kept her here at our agistment for several months until her property was ready. Montana is now safe and happily living out her days with her human and another companion mare named Clancy.

we couldnt have asked for a better outcome for sweet Montana!


Sometimes Things happen and owners fall upon hard times. We are not here to be the judge and jury. we are here to help the horses and sometimes a hand up to humans with education and assistance can achieve more positive outcomes for the horse than being righteous. we assisted in PJ’s (name has been changed) Rehabilitation, in the end although his previous owner loved him, they made a very heartbreaking decision which was very sad and hard for them but they did want the best for him. PJ was relinquished to us.

we did a bit more work with him in terms of his internal and mental health, weight, condition, dental etc. then we assessed him under saddle, this guy was so laid back and sweet and really eager to please, he needed a bit of education though but again as luck would have it, he was adopted here by an amazingly kind and very experienced mother and daughter team, which we were so excited about as that means he gets to stay with us as an agistment horse and we can still watch him bloom.

PJ has completely transformed and is glowing, he is going very kindly under saddle and is even about to start some competition practice in campdrafting!! we are so so proud of him and he couldnt have landed in better hands than these two incredible horsewomen!!